Head of Schooling Department
Ms Rébecca Sorin-Lignon
Building A, first floor
Telephone: - e-mail
School managers
DEUST Pharmacy Preparer - Technician
Ms Flore Dilhan
Building A, first floor
Tel: - e-mail
Pharmacy studies
PArcours Spécifique accès Santé (PASS)
Ms Florence Quillot
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
Mrs Périne Laslaz
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
2nd year of the Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (DFGSP2)
Ms Anaïs Sellier
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
3rd year of the Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (DFGSP3)
Mrs Véronique Allègre
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
1st year of Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (DFASP1)
Ms Laëtitia Dufour
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
2nd year of the Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (DFASP2)
Mrs Sylvie Arribas
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
6th Year of Pharmacy / Practice thesis/ DU Orthopaedic pharmacist orthotist
Mrs Florence Grévoul
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
DES (internship) / DESC / DU Decision support for the medical-economic evaluation of healthcare systems and products
Mrs Pauline Bernon
Building A, first floor
Tel : - e-mail
Health Engineering
Bachelor's / Master's degree in Health Engineering
Ms Céline Bessone
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel : - e-mail
Ms Clémentine Lahondes
Tel : - e-mail
Audioprosthetics / Master's degree in Biology and Health in Sensory and Motor Neuroprosthetics / University Certificate in AUDIOPROTHETIC TECHNIQUES/ DU
Ms Claire de Guillen
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel: 04 11 75 93 30 - e-mail
Diplôme National d'Oenologue / Master's degree in Health in Epidemiology, Health Data and Biostatistics / Master's degree in Biology and Health in Therapeutic Engineering and Bioproduction in Biotechnology and Health / DU
Ms Nolwenn Barriot
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel : - e-mail
International relations / Erasmus / Master's degree in Water Sciences with a specialization in Health Water Contaminants / Master's degree in Health Biology with a specialization in Translational Medicinal Chemistry / Master's degree in Chemistry with a specialization in Chemistry for healthcare, protection and nutrition applications - IDIL
Mrs Fleur Lorrain
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel : - e-mail
Master in Drug Science and Health Products - Master in Nutrition and Food Science
Ms Katia Avelli
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel : - e-mail
Apprenticeship /Licence Professionnelle Cosmétique Dermopharmaceutique/ Licence Professionnelle Métiers de la Promotion des Produits de Santé/ Licence Professionnelle Techniques Culinaires adaptées à la santé
Mrs Fabienne Coutolleau
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel : - e-mail
professional integration
Ms Cécile Causse
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel: - e-mail
apogee" correspondents
Ms Danièle Granier
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel: - e-mail
Ms Cécile Causse
Building A, 2nd floor
Tel: - e-mail
planning office
Mr Christian Durand and Mr Samuel Garces
Building A, first floor
Tel : / 93.35 - e-mail