Apprenticeship tax
The Montpellier Faculty of Pharmacy currently trains nearly 200 pharmacists. It prepares them for all branches of the pharmaceutical profession (pharmacy, biology, industry, hospital, research).
The apprenticeship tax is an essential source of funding for maintaining and creating training courses that are adapted to the new challenges facing the pharmacy. We need your help to train today the quality professionals who will be your employees tomorrow.
how to pay apprenticeship tax
From 2023, the 13% fraction of the apprenticeship tax (or TA balance) will be collected by URSSAF and MSA. It will then be paid to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, which will allocate these funds. The new SOLTéA digital platform from the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations will enable employers to designate the structures to which they wish to pay this balance. When entering the data into SOLTéA, you will need to enter the RNCP code of the course to which you wish to make this payment(list of UFRcoursecodes).
If you would like to allocate an apprenticeship tax to the Faculty of Pharmacy, please complete the payment form and return it to us by e-mail. This will provide the Faculty with a payment forecast.
How do we use the tax?
Paying us the fee means helping to improve and enhance the educational curriculum of our future doctors of pharmacy and master's graduates, served by a high-quality teaching staff.
The apprenticeship tax enables us to :
- maintain excellence in training, by encouraging the involvement of professionals
- develop innovative educational projects
- acquire ICTE equipment (Information and Communication Technologies applied to Teaching)
- set up specialized rooms (language labs, practical laboratories, etc.) and develop our experimental pharmacy

Investing in the future
The Faculty of Pharmacy offers a wide range of training courses, with a strong emphasis on research, in-company apprenticeships and diplomas with high professional potential. Close ties with pharmaceutical manufacturers, healthcare organizations and dispensing pharmacists give our students access to a large network of professionals, enabling them to adapt to a constantly evolving sector.
By paying your apprenticeship tax to our school, you are directly supporting the professional integration of our students, who will be tomorrow's healthcare experts.
Today, you can become a key player in our development by supporting our faculty through the allocation of a fraction of the apprenticeship tax to which you are liable. In this way, you'll be making a major contribution to our school, boosting its own resources and enabling us to provide an educational service that matches the missions entrusted to pharmacists.