Immersion Day
The "Objectif Université" operation organized by the University of Montpellier, with the Montpellier education authority, is continuing this year with grouped immersions supervised by the high schools (registration by the principal or referent teacher, accompaniment to the immersion site by a teacher or AED) from February 10 to 14, plus individual immersions (the student registers alone and comes to the immersion site independently on his or her own time) taking place during the week of February 17 to 21 (first week of school vacations).
Group Immersion - February 10
The Faculty of Pharmacy will be hosting group immersions on February 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the following program:
- Morning 9am-12pm: welcome, participation in a CM and/or TD, observation of practical work in 2nd/3rd year.
- Afternoon 1pm-4pm: tour of the campus, presentation of the faculty's range of courses, discussions with teachers and students.
Maximum number: 20 people
Individual immersion - February 17
The Faculty of Pharmacy is offering a half-day individual immersion course on February 17 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with the following program:
- Teaching participation
- Campus tour
- Exchange with teachers and students
Maximum number: 10 people
All registrations are made via the new Cap-Sup academic platform, accessible via ENT to teachers/providers (for group immersions/accompanied by the lycée) and high school students (for individual immersions/not accompanied by the lycée). Public access:
- For principals/teachers, you need to use this application: identifiers (then click on "2nd level schooling" and "Capsup" in the menus);
- Students can also access Cap'Sup via their ENT and the "orientation" module.